
Fed up

Again, there is no one I can turn to for this late night, so here I am. To throw something on this site. Suppose to be a happy,enjoyable day since have gone out with long-time-no-see friends…But received lots of bad news about cancel for this and that made my plans gone. Alright, it is not only one of it,but most. I would say is it a cancellation day? I am screwed up! Can you imagine the feeling when you see bad news by bad news as you reading the emails? You wouldn’t want to feel it because it is just feel bad,so bad~ Like all your planning gone…and you don’t know what to do next to plan it again. Mind left blank. I do not hate for the cancellation but please don’t do it in the last minute. I could even forgive about the cancellation due to valid reason, but why should it happened for all plans at the same time? Sigh. For nothing. Nothing I got. Feel unhappy but what should I do? Shouldn’t blame on anyone because they have their own reason too. Should blame on myself because I should have backup plan for everything else? There are lots of alternatives. Or I could even just stay alone for everything and just enjoy my holiday at hometown. Like I messed up the thing myself.

Should have understand what is out of expectation. Should have understand planning always screw up because of changes. Should know that no point to angry or feel disappointment about everything, especially something that no one want it to happen. I try to understand. Please just let me voice out my unhappiness here. Just need to clam down myself in this weird way. Perhaps it just make me feel better.

A long~~~~~SIGH~~~~~~~

Take a deep breath……

That’s it. Still gonna back my hometown tomorrow. I AM FINE. =)



夜越深 越静 时 脑袋就越清晰


还不是 希望把看过的戏整理 自己的思绪

很喜欢 很写实的戏

因为越接近社会 越觉得有东西需要反思

人活着 是不是要自己 把自己的故事给写完?

对 自己写自己的故事

故事 要怎么去发展 由你自己去决定

有时候 生活在社会的枷锁 人人往往会说 没有的选择

但是 选择 多得是呢

是看你自己 要怎么去选 怎么去做 怎么去写 你自己的故事

是否到底是 真的无法去改变?


信念 是一个想法 一个很自我的意念

不管生活在怎么 我可能改变不了 那繁类种种的个案

我只是很努力的 活着 至少 多我一分意念

尽我能力 去把 社会不好的一面 慢慢的修补

就算那么的一丁点 我也觉得 活着 不仅仅是呼吸着


I miss those days.

Oh yesterday was so fun. The story began when Ms. Chee Winnie(thank me for mention u here…LOL) tagged us in a post, and ask us to add one of our Malay teachers during Form 2/3, which I also forgot since so long time. And we started our gossips at her post.

See her post also reached 41 comments.


And as what I mentioned in my post in our private chat room, those gossips were too obvious and sensitive, so I started on the topic again in our chat room. The PRIVATE one of course Winking smile

This is the result that I get since yesterday night. These particular post reached 100 comments within 20 minutes. (see my friends are all so active at FB ~.~) This 187 comments keep on increasing until now, when I am blogging, yes NOW, it have reached 194 comments. (Don’t mind me keep track on it, since this number is amazing and meaningful for us. =))


It was so amazing to say, being with them is just so great. Till I nearly forget, I have an exam for today. Supposed to study, but end up with jokes and gossips about the past. Yes, we all miss the past. The time where we are all had crazy memories together. Ponteng class, playing around, making jokes and nicknames for the teachers. I liked what Winnie said “SMKM without us = no fun” Totally support man~! Haha~! The school is the place we had so much fun there, regardless the teachers like it or not, we just being ourselves there. But we all know, the teachers are missing us =P

Too much past to talk about, as we shared too much memories together. If we sit down, have a cup of tea and talk about it, we can spend a whole day long for it. The best thing was, not that we had great lame jokes, not that we making fun with all the teachers, but I saw REAL FRIENDSHIP, we do appreciate each other, though we are far apart, we hardly to meet each other once in a blue moon, we still can have that long long conversation, no matter in what form.

I know we can never had time get back to the past. But I just want to tell you all, even tell the world that, I JUST LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH~! And I Miss every single moment that we had spend together.

class photo

Another thing that makes me feel more warmth is that I saw friends really blogged in a sense that we(as friends) are chasing and looking for their updates. And yes, I will be the first one hand up, since I am a crazy blog walker, but only primarily for friends’ blog =X  I am WATCHING YOU too as you are watching me now. haha.

So this is end of my day? Wanted to recommend some nice movies. I just cant help and like to download movies whenever exam is around. Don’t ask me why, I just felt to do so =( Maybe some intrinsic motivation initiates me when I was stress, and so wanted to enjoy after exam? =P

Watched recently- No string attached (2011), by Natalie Portman, the one I was so into after “Black Swan”, she is amazing. Another on-going downloading movie called “The other woman(2009)”, acted by her also, HD version, NICE =D  Another movie that I just watched today, 127hours (2011). I have it in HD version too. I was just too excited to see those high definition thing already~!!!  Yet, this is also another inspiring movie, if you feel to give up on something, watch it. A Thailand movie “初恋这件小事(2010)” or“The little first love”(I translated myself), quite a nice and fun movie to share. First Thailand movie in kind of love story based that I ever watched, now only I know Thailand wasn’t just good in ghost and scary movies, but they can make good love story too. Most importantly, the main characters are leng zai leng lui~LOL. They don’t look very “Thai”, but more to a mixed =S

Enjoyed it and feel free to get it from me =D











Dak? Dak Jo~! Winking smile


If there is a chance for you to change,will you take the chance?


Now the title is a little bit confuse and subjective. But be patient, I will clarify for you in the next second. Change, as in terms of better, (of course not worse). Change, in terms of someone’s life. Change, in term of a great world will be build. So, if there is a chance for you to change yourself, in fact also you would be able to change someone’s life, will you take it?

In life, we are always being selfish, being realistic, being so self-centered like everything comes around you. Would you able to think of a moment, look outside your world, put down yourself, and try to look into others and understand others? Some will probably say “Even I cannot help myself, having problems within myself, what the hell I am here to care for others, which is not even close to us?” or “What can we actually did something to them? Money? I am just a student, I don’t have it.” Again, mind your words, you are being selfish if you think like that.

From time to time, I remind myself, to being kind, and give whatever help I could, which is within my ability. I said it, I mean it. Perhaps I were so wanted to influence people around to change, I am the one should be changed first. I am not demanding kindness from family or friends to do me a favor, in fact, I do not want them to feel forceful. Do CHARITY, is from HEART, but not the amount that you’re paying for. Even people care about the money, but at least I did give in something other than money. If you don’t have it never mind! You can join 30 hour famine like me, be a volunteer or even a participant. Be involved in some meaningful event just need some of your time, maybe some of your little efforts in putting on others’ awareness to care about the world’s sickness. Cant starve? Have you ever try it? No time? It’s really NO TIME or YOU DON’T WANT TO GIVE UP THE TIME? Busy? You can spend billion seconds on Facebook, internet, some lame chatting, but not for the children, for the world? I cant really think of a reason, not to join something meaningful, at least you have a more rigid reason that you can try to persuade me. THERE ARE MILLION REASONS or EXCUSES THAT YOU CAN HAVE, IF YOU DID NOT WANT TO DO SOMETHING. I understand, because many people are just like that, even I did use many reasons to push away all the unwanted job.

There is only one question that I wanted to ask, as mentioned above, Will you take the chance if you are able to do something for the children, for the world? Just say “Yes” or “No”, as simple as that. If Yes, congratulates, you have changed and you will be able to make a change, very soon with the little efforts combine to become a great one. If no, I have no other word for you, but good luck. Just live for what you live in, believe what you believe in, close your mindset and that’s all for your life.


If there is a chance, will you do something to get the smile from her as an exchange?

I’ll leave this for you, for your in depth and intelligent thinking. Choice is on you.  





“一边 笑得 疯了
一边 哭得 累了
判若 两人
快要 放弃了
快要 虚脱了
下一个我 又是什么角色”
==下一个我== by 炎亚伦
对 这首歌 产生共鸣
是因为 觉得 有时候
每个人 都好像患有 精神分裂症 一样
人前 人后 不一样
在你面前 是温柔的 
在他面前 是冷漠的
一个人 好像有很多重性格
别人解释说 ‘见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话’
每个人只是以不同人的性格 去应对 不同的人
其实大家 都是病患
大家 都同病相怜
人类嘛 都只不过是如此软弱 却又喜欢假装坚强的动物


It’s living,it’s working,it’s dying,it’s life.

Here we go the 20 of us being 4 days translator for the China business man. Some having fun, some were stress, some were pek chek, some were enjoyed, some were nothing… But I am sure we’re all happy with the salary that paid on the spot, and the free testing foods during all 4 days. And yes we did ate a lot without paying for this few days XP



Took a photo with Haribear~a Germany company that sell Marshmallow~

We’re very hard working, though sometimes lazy a little bit.  We did do our best and the most importantly, all the bosses were all satisfied and treat us very good.

There are lessons that I’ve learned in this work. Get to experience some reality in the business world, what I can comment on this is really CRUEL. But I do get to know some people that can be very kind as well, maybe they expect something in return. If we didn’t think of the world so badly, maybe they are just basically good indeed. What I care is just the salary that you gave, that’s the end of the story. In fact, I don’t think there is something I could believe or trust in this cruel business society. Again, the ‘fake’ that I’ve learned this time, is more practical for next time working.

That’s the end of the story for my part-time.


匆匆忙忙的,你一个sms说飞日本行程改至星期五,还在工作的我一下子也不懂能做些什么,当天提早溜了出来,塞着车、冒着风雨,也去到了机场‘送你一程’~ =X  做朋友的,你一声,只要我能够做到了,我一定会做!当场,真的不会有什么,都笑笑着,只是你的家人还是哭了,我们都还压抑着,要证明大家都是坚强的,不需要别人担心。


其实有很多事情,我们都放在心上不轻易说出口,觉得害羞,觉得是朋友的话一定会懂,其实我们都是那样的小孩。那重友情,却整天不说出口的人,关心,也觉得要做得低调的人。因为大家都在乎,所以那种心情,是透彻心底的。或许我不懂你此时此刻的心情,但是离乡背井我也试过,偷偷的盖着被,因为想念而哭泣,我也试过,自己一个人,没有人能够倾诉我也试过,遇到挫折,还要假装坚强的确很难受,我觉得平时一脸坚强的你,也是如此吧。但我也相信你有你自己一套的解决方法,你这么聪明,一定‘MOU MAN TEI'不过有什么问题也可以mail/msn/FB 我,赴汤蹈火,只要在能力范围,一定尽我所能!






Working at KLCC

Is working since yesterday and the job will continue until this Saturday. It was a job get through CCS, and we 20 students working as a translator for the China business people at KLCC, places a Halal Showcase.

Working with China people was a bit stressful, as we have different culture, even we shared the same language, but totally different slang~Though, I can say they are all nice people, enthusiastic, and warm. After we have some contact with all this business people, not all are bad, but I would say everyone is selfish, for their own goods and benefits when things come to MONEY.

We are slowly developed to the business world. It is realistic, ever true, and putting a fake smile is always the best way to face this true world. And people would like it, whether you accept or not. A fake smile is so useful in this realistic world. I mean you can smile to whatever stranger comes to you, as you think everyone would be a probability of successful in your business. I think this would be good rather than the people, lifting their head like many are below them, hardly to fake a smile, they barely to make contact with the people with different status. If I were the boss, I wouldn’t have this kind of thinking, as I think everyone would have the ability to be a boss, in fact, if you were a boss, you need strong base(the people) to support you up there.

It was fun to have a chance to contact with the business people, the rich one, and able to interpret their thinking. Even, I have some perception on them, but truly I saw lots of things just for these two days. Tomorrow is still a long day to go. Hope all of us can get through it happily for the next two days. =)


There were something inside,where we just always keep in the heart.

I have end up with no one to turn to, and here I come to blog.

Fed up with life recently as many of my electronic devises were all spoiled at the same time. Yes. AT THE SAME TIME! Which cost me lots of time, energy and the most important thing—MONEY to solve all these problem. I would say I will need to pay some responsibilities on it since these things were all mine. But please don’t blame me, like I wanted this things to be broken. BLAME SOLELY ON ME. IT IS UNFAIR! I was the person who own all these things, I was the person who hurt the most when all these bad things happen to me, I was the person who deserve a little bit of care when all the bad things happened to me.

But who knows? The feeling always hiding behind. And there is no one can look at it. Perhaps I am the one who hiding it. I would say it is all my bad. There is no perfection in life if you realize.


Above paragraphs were what I wrote few days ago when I was so down. See, this is what a mad person can write, how the negative things go about and influence the thinking of a person. But I am still a rational person which I have think not to post it out immediately after I wrote it. I JUST DON’T WANT THINGS TO BE SO BIG THAT INFLUENCE MYSELF, OR MORE, INFLUENCE THE OTHERS. I don’t think it was a good idea that to write something that is unhappy, which will make the people think you were  are a negative person.  But yes finally I posted it out indeed. With strikethrough on it, means I just want to express this feeling out but you can ignore it, if it bother you, or your feeling.

Like what I wanted to emphasize in my title, "There were always something inside, but we just always keep in our heart”. Don’t you agree with it? Since so many bloggers now, having an open blog, don’t you agree what we want to express out or post out, was chasing or demanding some agreement for our life opinion? If there were something hidden inside, means there was no need agreement, likewise, I don’t need any agreement for above paragraph. Perhaps I need some feedback about the title itself, the statement.

In fact, we are always demanding and searching agreement in life. Certain kind of conformity instead, we are looking for. What was it? Ask yourself. Mine one was a clear cut. Tell you my opinion, my way to live my life, whether you accept or not, I will too accept yours too, but please respect me first, then we stay in peace and live happily forever after.

How about something we did not express it out? Or talks about? We did not need any agreement on it? At all? Yes, I would say in a certain extend. We sometimes do need some space or what the society called “PRIVACY” in life. The “PRIVACY” thing, no need any agreement or opinion, we just live with it, knowing or not knowing, Best maybe REMAIN-ed UNKNOWN, or what I called it “MYSTERY” was quite interesting to play around too. But tell you something VERY INTERESTING, there were many time, we wanted people to know it, but not directly telling or knowing from our mouth, we just want people to realize themselves, like everyone need to be ‘your worm in your intestines’ (direct translation from Cantonese please), but please, we are not a ‘worm’ truly, we are just normal human being. BELIEVE IT OR NOT, THIS STATEMENT, I ACTUALLY CAN GET A LOT OF AGREEMENT.

But I do wanted to find someone which is cleaver enough, at least know to read my facial expression. What I mean, in life, we can never get what other people wanted from us, but we should know what we want, and put it into action to make it. If you understand what you want, you stated it, you say whatever loud to the world, it is still useless, as you never put it into action and make a change. This is what I wanted from people, be cleaver, make something to change for yourself, but not for me. Choices is always in your hand, if you wanted to make a change.

Note: I was not demand any agreement or comment for this post. Perhaps a ‘like’ can motivate me to write more about something like this~Long and bored. =P




能不能把面具脱下 让我看清你的真面目?









清明时节雨纷纷,游女归家尽孝恩。 心中的感慨,莫过于此。
