
Update for short

The time spending for fun was always gone too fast. It’s just always not enough. If you ask me “Are you regret for coming back but not doing your revision for exam and assignment that will due soon?” I will say yes to certain extend, frankly, I felt more guilty to myself especially the time I need to face my result. But there is a big NO as I got a chance to see my little new born nephew, and also hang out with my friends, getting some time for fun like this is always not easy. I could say I might lose something about grades, about marks, but I get my relationship with family and friends. Perhaps I think this will be the most important thing for me in life. Life just getting so rush until you miss something, you will realize you will just lose it forever and it will never come back.

总觉得 家  是幸福的源头

总觉得很多事情要完成 但是却 少了动力 多了阻碍

总觉得 要习惯 要适应 自己一个人

总觉得 有些事 是时候放下了 因为渐渐发觉不重要了

总是觉得和你们在一起   最自在

晚了 完了 故事还是会继续的

累了 睡了 我们会好好的 =)
