
5 weeks left....

One month is like very long for somebody....
but how about 5 weeks??
Sounds shorter right?
My 2nd semester will be ended 5 weeks later.....
So fast.....
I just woke up by my friends said that I'm still like live in week 4....
Yes....I'm living blur blur from week 2 until week 9....
and blur for my assignments,presentations...as well as Mid-term....
Already 'Blur' for the half semester already....
Is time to wake up....>.<

In 5 weeks time.....
I will be damn busy I think....
Research paper due next week....[week 10]
Quiz 2 after the week of the due date....[week 11]
Presentation 2 for CTS and econs next....[week 12]
Another important presentation on a special day...[week 13]
Finally....My final is there....[week 14/15]

Seem so horrible and scary....
but this is the truth where we live in.....
No worry.....
We can still have our sweet holiday after the 5 terrible weeks....
Critical thinking right?
Is funny the question of the lecturer today :
"If CTS is a course,will u take it?/If it is not a compusory subject,will you take it?"
I will answer NO for both question......
Who will be so stupid,wanted to be tortured by  the crazy skills???
I'm not that clever but also not that stupid lo~

Cant figure out how to complete my research paper in 3 days.....
Forcing myself to do it so I can back to hometown without any guilty....
Bought a shirt with meaningful words yesterday....
What a good explaination~hahahaha~

=End with laughing=

1 則留言:

milo 提到...

i love the
student + dying=studyingXD
hahahaha totally correct:P
when u gona wear??hoho