So fast....3 months for one semester are going to end soon....
Following by 3 days exam and after that I'll be have 2 weeks holidays as sem break....
Cant stop thinking where to play during my sem break~
But now still have to suffering few more days....=.='''
Let's talk bout my presentation today.....
That's really bad I done....
In my opinion...I can done better than that...
But everything is end....
I cant change anything as well....
So dont think bout it as well as it already finish....
Enjoy my photo taken today~^^
Actually she is in the middle...
but be the 1st one as some ppl are late...
Topic:How to live a healthy life?
My laptop is on the screen~xp
Topic:How to make lemon juice milk?
and this such a sexy backside is Ms.Annie~XD
She really look like a HK star call Kelly~haha~
But she is a strict lecturer....strict in given marks as well~>.<
Topic:How to perform Melanau dance?
She is from Sarawak~
Really familiar with what she is done~
And perform in front of us~
really nice~
but I think she is sick so postponed to today...
Topic:How to use scarf?(to dress up urself or someting~)
Her model is Padma~
She was using a scarf to tie on her hair~
So that is all done....
I think everything will be ok~
Tmr will be final exam....
For my I.English~
I hope I can done well and at least dont failed la plz~
I dont want pay another RM1400 to HELP~This my bloody money~T.T
Wake up from my nap and study now!!!!!
I think everything will be ok~
Tmr will be final exam....
For my I.English~
I hope I can done well and at least dont failed la plz~
I dont want pay another RM1400 to HELP~This my bloody money~T.T
Wake up from my nap and study now!!!!!