
It’s living,it’s working,it’s dying,it’s life.

Here we go the 20 of us being 4 days translator for the China business man. Some having fun, some were stress, some were pek chek, some were enjoyed, some were nothing… But I am sure we’re all happy with the salary that paid on the spot, and the free testing foods during all 4 days. And yes we did ate a lot without paying for this few days XP



Took a photo with Haribear~a Germany company that sell Marshmallow~

We’re very hard working, though sometimes lazy a little bit.  We did do our best and the most importantly, all the bosses were all satisfied and treat us very good.

There are lessons that I’ve learned in this work. Get to experience some reality in the business world, what I can comment on this is really CRUEL. But I do get to know some people that can be very kind as well, maybe they expect something in return. If we didn’t think of the world so badly, maybe they are just basically good indeed. What I care is just the salary that you gave, that’s the end of the story. In fact, I don’t think there is something I could believe or trust in this cruel business society. Again, the ‘fake’ that I’ve learned this time, is more practical for next time working.

That’s the end of the story for my part-time.


匆匆忙忙的,你一个sms说飞日本行程改至星期五,还在工作的我一下子也不懂能做些什么,当天提早溜了出来,塞着车、冒着风雨,也去到了机场‘送你一程’~ =X  做朋友的,你一声,只要我能够做到了,我一定会做!当场,真的不会有什么,都笑笑着,只是你的家人还是哭了,我们都还压抑着,要证明大家都是坚强的,不需要别人担心。


其实有很多事情,我们都放在心上不轻易说出口,觉得害羞,觉得是朋友的话一定会懂,其实我们都是那样的小孩。那重友情,却整天不说出口的人,关心,也觉得要做得低调的人。因为大家都在乎,所以那种心情,是透彻心底的。或许我不懂你此时此刻的心情,但是离乡背井我也试过,偷偷的盖着被,因为想念而哭泣,我也试过,自己一个人,没有人能够倾诉我也试过,遇到挫折,还要假装坚强的确很难受,我觉得平时一脸坚强的你,也是如此吧。但我也相信你有你自己一套的解决方法,你这么聪明,一定‘MOU MAN TEI'不过有什么问题也可以mail/msn/FB 我,赴汤蹈火,只要在能力范围,一定尽我所能!





1 則留言:

lee yee 提到...

thanks to u cause i feel little bit warmer here.. i mean physically.. my tears 'loading' in my eyes.. but i managed to keep it from falling.. thanks :)