
Discover life

There many things that I have discovered everyday in life...
But because life is so damn busy...
I have no time to record everythings down in a short moment....

So here my discovery for the pass few days...
~I knew something...but I dont know something...

~I'm sorry for every stupid things I did before...I just know I not in mood at that moment...

~Maybe things will be gone through very fast with time...but how come my time run so slow recently?

~There are many people live like a corpse like me   x.x

~No matter how busy my life, how non-human life this is, when comes to playing I will feel alive again =D

~I just love to play...who dont like to play by the way? XD

~I edi used my time wisely...1/3 for work, 1/3 for study, 1/3 for play....oh wait...where is my rest time?

~I'm not miss my home...Just miss everything at my small village BADLY...

~Many time I appear as a positive-minded person, but sometimes I cant be very negative too....

~People always say I am the strongest person that they know...
I said: "people always enjoy the show in front of the stage, who would ever know how much effort people put in? u would never ever know a person behind the scene becoz u wouldn't have interest to discover every bit and piece of the person."

~Now I just waiting for my day to come...

Life is never ended discovery....

--to be continue--
